Thursday, 10 May 2012

Indians Abroad Who might not have made it to the top if thery where in Indians in India!

 The Blow are not my thoughts. I read this on a email fwd and I kind of agree with the facts that this email states. In India you cannot just come up with your own footsteps, you need few hands to help you....

WHY? is my question. I live outside India and I am proud to say that what ever I have earned let it be people, status and/or money is with my own deeds. I can say it proudly as I have worked hard for this....

Any way... there are loads of people who might disagree with me... 

Read below...


I would like to sum up our performance in the 20th century in one
sentence.Indians have succeeded in countries ruled by whites, but failed in
their own.

This outcome would have astonished leaders of our independence movement. They
declared Indians were kept down by white rule and could flourish only under
self-rule. This seemed self-evident The harsh reality today is that Indians are
succeeding brilliantly in countries ruled by whites, but failing in India. They
are flourishing in the USA and Britain.

But those that stay in India are pulled down by an outrageous system that fails
to reward merit or talent, fails to allow people and businesses to grow, and
keeps real power with netas, babus, and assorted manipulators. Once Indians go
to white-ruled countries, they soar and conquer summits once occupied only by

Rono Dutta has become head of United Airlines, the biggest airline in the world.
Had he stayed in India, he would have no chance in Indian Airlines. Even if the
top job there was given to him by some godfather, a myriad netas, babus and
trade unionists would have ensured that he could never run it like United

Vikram Pundit has become head of Citigroup, which operates Citibank one of the
largest banks in the world.

Rana Talwar has become head of Standard Chartered Bank, one of the biggest
multinational banks in Britain, while still in his 40s. Had he been in India, he
would perhaps be a local manager in the State Bank, taking orders from babus to
give loans to politically favoured clients.

Rajat Gupta is head of Mckinsey, the biggest management consultancy firm in the
world. He now advises the biggest multinationals on how to run their business.
Had he remained in India he would probably be taking orders from some sethji
with no qualification save that of being born in a rich family.

Lakhsmi Mittal has become the biggest steel baron in the world, with steel
plants in the US, Kazakhstan, Germany, Mexico, Trinidad and Indonesia. India's
socialist policies reserved the domestic steel industry for the public sector.
So Lakhsmi Mittal went to Indonesia to run his family's first steel plant there.
Once freed from the shackles of India, he conquered the world.

Subhash Chandra of Zee TV has become a global media king, one of the few to beat
Rupert Murdoch. He could never have risen had he been limited to India, which
decreed a TV monopoly for Doordarshan. But technology came to his aid: satellite
TV made it possible for him to target India from Hong Kong. Once he escaped
Indian rules and soil, he soared.

You may not have heard of 48-year old Gururaj Deshpande. His communications
company, Sycamore, is currently valued by the US stock market at over $ 30
billion, making him perhaps one of the richest Indians in the world. Had he
remained in India, he would probably be a babu in the Department of

Arun Netravali has become president of Bell Labs, one of the biggest research
and development centres in the world with 30,000 inventions and several Nobel
Prizes to its credit. Had he been in India, he would probably be struggling in
the middle cadre of Indian Telephone Industries. Silicon Valley alone contains
over 100,000 Indian millionaires.

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi has become since 2006 the CEO Of PepsiCo Inc., a
Fortune 500 company.

Sabeer Bhatia invented Hotmail and sold it to Microsoft for $ 400 million.Victor
Menezes is number two in Citibank. Shailesh Mehta is CEO of Providian, a top US
financial services company. Also at or near the top are Rakesh Gangwal of US
Air, Jamshd Wadia of Arthur Andersen, and Aman Mehta of Hong Kong Shanghai
Banking Corp.

In Washington DC, the Indian CEO High Tech Council has no less than 200 members,
all high tech-chiefs. While Indians have soared, India has stagnated. At
independence India was the most advanced of all colonies, with the best

Today with a GNP per head of $370, it occupies a lowly 177th position among 209
countries of the world. But poverty is by no means the only or main problem.
India ranks near the bottom in the UNDP's Human Development Index, but high up
in Transparency International's Corruption Index.

The neta-babu raj brought in by socialist policies is only one reason for India
's failure. The more sordid reason is the rule-based society we inherited from
the British Raj is today in tatters. Instead money, muscle and influence matter

At independence we were justly proud of our politicians. Today we regard them as
scoundrels and criminals. They have created a jungle of laws in the holy name of
socialism, and used these to line their pockets and create patronage networks.
No influential crook suffers. The Mafia flourish unhindered because they have
political links.

The sons of police officers believe they have a licence to rape and kill (ask
the Mattoo family).Talent cannot take you far amidst such rank mis-governance.

We are reverting to our ancient feudal system where no rules applied to the
powerful. The British Raj brought in abstract concepts of justice for
all,equality before the law. These were maintained in the early years of
independence. But sixty years later, citizens wail that India is a lawless land
where no rules are obeyed.

I have heard of an IAS probationer at the Mussorie training academy pointing out
that in India before the British came, making money and distributing favours to
relatives was not considered a perversion of power, it was the very rationale of
power. A feudal official had a duty to enrich his family and caste.

Then the British came and imposed a new ethical code on officials. But, he
asked, why should we continue to choose British customs over desi ones now that
we are independent?

The lack of transparent rules, properly enforced, is a major reason why talented
Indians cannot rise in India. A second reason is the neta-babu raj, which
remains intact despite supposed liberalisation. But once talented Indians go to
rule-based societies in the west, they take off. In those societies all people
play by the same rules, all have freedom to innovate without being strangled by

This, then, is why Indians succeed in countries ruled by whites, and fail in
their own.

1 comment:

  1. The statement "that in India before the British came, making money and distributing favours to
    relatives was not considered a perversion of power, it was the very rationale of
    power. A feudal official had a duty to enrich his family and caste." is not true. Favours were done but in a limited way and with the knowledge of kings/chiefs as a rule. you follow up with this The lack of transparent rules, properly enforced, is a major reason why talented Indians cannot rise in India.
    The rules are there and are transparent too but they are flouted all the time. Any Babu who tries to enforce is sidelined. See the case of SEBI chairman Bhave and Abraham. And the major scams of the last 10 years esp have been by Ministers and their cronies esp in business. The fact seems to be that we lack character.
    As for the worthies you mention,-I had come across some of them in the US and have common acquaintances-you must look at their record. The united Airlines was run to the ground by the man who had suggestions on improving Indian Airlines.How do you improve an airline when the PM's family interferes and each plane purchase involves a 10% commission? Rajat Gupta's needs
    no elaboration. In the US after his performance Pundit should have been punished long back. But the Banks were bailed out and Pandit and ilk escaped. And where is he now? As for Indira Nooyi (apart from the acquire fig leaf called Quaker Oats) She is purveying possibly possibly the worst comestibles imagined by man
    to spread diseases among the common people(Please read about processed foods, refined flour, salt , sugar and chemicals)Sure she is doing well at the cost of health of millions and enormous package pollution!
    Even in the the strong regulations like Glass and Steagall have been watered down and hence the housing scandal; and Enron earlier. The US caol, sugar and oil industries do not have enough regulation even now!
    The problems are both stubborn and complex. Highly simplistic solutions and cliches will not help. we need transparency. We need more education. Even advanced degrees may help in narrow areas, but we are dealing with complex systems where we find experienced and talented men meandering. I know most of our policy makers. They have neither the vision nor character of people like Rajaji or Masani.
